If The White Can Do All These, What Is Stopping Them From Getting The Cure For HIV/AIDS?

If The White Can Do All These, What Is Stopping Them From Getting The Cure For HIV/AIDS?

Hi guys,
Today, I was just having some random thoughts and different things came to my mind regarding the wonders these Oyinbos have invented to make Life easier and I was like WOW.
These people are great!… but what’s stopping them from getting the cure for HIV/AIDS? I asked myself 🤔
If they are able to invent all these 👇
1. An Aeroplane is capable of carry 600 people flying from one country to another when ordinary paper can’t hang in the air for 2 seconds, what is stopping them?
2. If they can build Ships capable of carrying up to 300 cars and can spend 2 months on the sea without sinking but ordinary stone can’t float for 1 minute, what is stopping them?
3. If they can invent Smartphones, and we can now talk to our family and friends who are 5 million miles away, what is stopping them?
If I should continue listing all what seems impossible but they have successfully invented ehn, 2 months I can’t finish.
All these Invented but the Cure to HIV?AIDS still remains a misery for them 😳 Is that even Possible? I asked myself, We need to hear from you all what might be holding them back.
Now, over to you guys 👇

What Do You Think Is Stopping The White For Inventing/Getting The Cure To HIV/AIDS?

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